Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another Unexpected Experience

....well this week has been fun. I got a nice tour of the Paddington Green office of the Metropolitan Police. This chick has officially joined the ranks of far too many of my fellow study abroaders and had the inaugural experience of my wallet being stolen. Fun times, let me tell ya. I have no idea exactly where or when, but sometime between leaving my dorm Wednesday night around 1030 and getting to a bar at 11.30 my wallet got jacked. I'm not sure if I maybe left it in the cab, or dropped it somewhere, or someone grabbed it from my bag at the bar when I wasn't looking, but none the less, it is gone. So sad. All things considered though, it's not that bad at all. I only had 20 pounds in there, my driver's license is expired so I need to get a new (horizontal, big girl) one anyways when I get home, and when I cancelled my credit cards there were no purchases on them- so it really could have been much, much worse. More than anything else, it's just annoying. Luckily I took cash out the afternoon it got taken, so I have plenty of money to last me until my replacement card comes, but its annoying that I need to reorder three separate and deal with everything that entails. More than that, it's just annoying because I have no idea when/where it got taken- I just want to know. Whoever has it can gladly keep the 20 pounds and Tesco bonus card, I just want to know. It's killing me because I didn't pay for the cab, so would have no reason to take my wallet out in there, and the bar (which I've been calling once a day with no luck of them finding it) we were at was really empty. I kid you not, there were maybe 20-25 people there when we were, so not a situation where it was crowded and someone could have "bumped" into me and taken it. Plus, my wallet has both a zipper and a clasp, so it's not like it could have easily fallen out or been taken. Oh well. I was SO close, literally two weeks away from going back home without anything being lost/taken (an accomplishment not achieved my the majority of my fellow Americans here in London) but as my Dad put it, at least I'll have a fun post to blog about. On the plus side though, I get to strut around with this cool "wallet" for the next week.
Oh well, it's a "learning experience."

1 comment:

  1. Losing a wallet does suck, but it sounds like at least you didn't lose the pair of pants the wallet was in!
