Friday, December 9, 2011

One Month More!

So this is my first post on this brand new blog and I'm posting for two reasons: first, I just made the blog this afternoon and wanted to test it out/experiment with fonts, colors, formats, etc. but also because it is less than a month til departure! Two weeks ago we had our pre departure orientation here at school where they unloaded information upon information unto us, but we also got to the other people traveling abroad this spring. There are two girls going to University of Westminster with me, Lara- who I bought my plane ticket and will be flying over with, and Molly- who is actually living in the same building as me for the semester. Getting more and more excited each day and less and less nervous (ask me again about the nerves come January) so this seemed like a good time to create this blog!

My plan is to update the blog about once a week, but that will vary greatly based on what my schedule is like and if there has been anything worth posting lately. Be sure to check back in January when I actually start blogging!
